Mathematica 9--Is This A Joke?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg128850] Mathematica 9--Is This A Joke?
- From: Kevin Wheelock <jiyajbe at>
- Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 05:57:25 -0500 (EST)
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I just installed Mathematica 9. I am horrified. How did this get past QA and Usability Testing? Example: Newton's 2nd Law In Mathematica 8: In[1]:= Needs["Units`"] In[2]:= M := 5 Kilogram In[3]:= a := 10 Meter/Second^2 In[4]:= F := M a; F Out[4]= (50 Kilogram Meter)/Second^2 In[5]:= Convert[%, Newton] Out[5]= 50 Newton In Mathematica 9: In[1]:= M := Quantity[5, "kg"] In[2]:= a := Quantity[10, "m/s^2"] In[3]:= F := M a; F Out[3]= 50kg m/(s)^2 {At this point, Mathematica pops up a dialog offering, among other things, to let me convert this unit. Okay, I enter "N" in the field I was presented} In[4]:= UnitConvert[ Quantity[50, ("Kilograms" "Meters")/("Seconds")^2], "N"] During evaluation of In[4]:= UnitConvert::unkunit: Unable to interpret unit specification N. >> Out[4]= UnitConvert[50kg m/(s)^2,N] {Huh. Okay, I try other things...} In[5]:= UnitConvert[ Quantity[50, ("Kilograms" "Meters")/("Seconds")^2], N] During evaluation of In[5]:= UnitConvert::unkunit: Unable to interpret unit specification N. >> Out[5]= UnitConvert[50kg m/(s)^2,N] In[7]:= UnitConvert[ Quantity[50, ("Kilograms" "Meters")/("Seconds")^2], "Newton"] During evaluation of In[7]:= UnitConvert::unkunit: Unable to interpret unit specification Newton. >> Out[7]= UnitConvert[50kg m/(s)^2,Newton] In[8]:= UnitConvert[ Quantity[50, ("Kilograms" "Meters")/("Seconds")^2], "Newtons"] Out[8]= 50N {Ha! I finally guessed right!} Who the HELL thinks this is better????? "M := Quantity[5,"kg"]"??? Are you KIDDING ME???? Give me back version 8, and QUICKLY!