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Re: Side-by-side cells ("bilateral cells"): text and graphics side-by-side

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130312] Re: Side-by-side cells ("bilateral cells"): text and graphics side-by-side
  • From: Andrew Vernon <ajvernon at>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 03:28:08 -0400 (EDT)
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  • References: <kj8nhq$1rb$> <kjb41q$8ik$>

Ideally, the left cell would be a Text cell or an ItemNumbered
cell and the right cell would be a cell that contained both the
input and output cells (with the ability to hide the input cell,
just as we can do in a notebook).  I'd also be happy with a
two-column cell, with each column behaving like an
independent notebook.

The code

Cell[ BoxData[{ Cell["hi","Text"] , Cell["bob","Text"] }] ] ]

stacks the cells.  I'm looking for something more like:

    GraphicsBox[CircleBox[{0, 0}]]}
  },RowAlignments->Top]], "Text"]

While this works in the sense that the vertical alignment
is correct and it is easy to adjust the size of the graphic,
the graphic itself has to be created elsewhere and then
copy and pasted in order for the Graphics input code to
remain available for editing.  That's a clumsy workaround,
since it means having to track the Graphics code
somehow. I want to have the Graphics Input and Output
in the same right cell so that I can edit the Graphics
directly and hide the input code when finished. 

Also (and this is minor), I can't seem to find a way to use
the Option Inspector to set the RowAlignment of the
GridBox: I have to edit it directly.

So my question boils down to: Is it possible to have an
Input cell and an Output cell (grouped) in a GridBox so
that the Input cell can be evaluated to produce the
Output cell and the Input cell can be hidden/unhidden?

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