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Turning a Sequence into a List?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130492] Turning a Sequence into a List?
  • From: Rob <rob at>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 00:35:12 -0400 (EDT)
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Hello, I'm playing with a problem with minimum coins to make change. 
Here's a problem spot where I look at ways to make up 52 and 53 cents 
(later I'll use v =  Range[1,99].

sol=(Reduce[25q+10d+5n+p==# &&0<=p<5 &&0<=n<2 &&0<=d<3 
&&0<=q<4,{q,d,n,p},Integers])& /@v

(* which gives {(q == 1 && d == 2 && n == 1 && p == 2) || (q == 2 && d 
== 0 &&
     n == 0 && p == 2), (q == 1 && d == 2 && n == 1 &&
     p == 3) || (q == 2 && d == 0 && n == 0 && p == 3)} *)

There are two cases for each coin and I need to pick the one with the 
smallest number of coins. But the only way I know to begin that is with 
a list of rules. I can get a Sequence for the first element of the List 
sol but I can't figure how to get the Sequence to a list.

x = (sol[[1]]) // ToRules
(* Sequence[{q -> 1, d -> 2, n -> 1, p -> 2}, {q -> 2, d -> 0, n -> 0,  
p -> 2}] *)

I've always had problems figuring out what a Sequence is and the HELP 
doesn't really help me. Can someone please suggest how I can use this 
sequence to select the {q,d,n,p} set that has the minimum coin count? 
It's got me stumped. Thanks.


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