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Re: Sample Workbooks - Suggested sources to get a newbie going?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130546] Re: Sample Workbooks - Suggested sources to get a newbie going?
  • From: "David Fennell" <d_j_fennell at>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 05:43:49 -0400 (EDT)
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Hello Jerry and David,

Please accept my apology for this delayed reply.  The delay, while
unavoidable, belies my appreciation for the help that you both offered.

After days away from home and office for family and unexpected customer
obligations, I'm finally back in front of a computer to move my Mathematica
project along.  The example file you sent me, Jerry, is exactly what I was
hoping for.  I very much look forward to developing the skills to build
workbooks like yours.  It offers me insight into quite a few of the issues
that I was struggling with.  For example, I was trying to figure out a way
to input expressions into a workbook such that a reader (my customer) can
easily follow along (regarding the mathematical models used, not the actual
computational execution) while still conforming to Mathematica's input
syntax rules.  I couldn't figure out how to do both at the same time.
Jerry, your example workbook makes it very clear to me how to accomplish
this objective elegantly.

Books and Wolfram's excellent help system have been (and will continue to
be) very helpful.  But these resources tend to be narrowly focused (each
article or book section; I'm not belittling the comprehensive range of
discreet (limited context) topics covered by Wolfram's help system) and
often fail to provide the context/big picture that sample workbooks can
provide new users.  Looking over the shoulder of colleagues, classmates,
TAs, and Profs using Mathematica can teach one all sorts of tips and tricks
that aren't easily picked up through Wolfram's help system.  I'm taking
point on this Mathematica venture at my workplace (no other Mathematica
users around) so some of the basics that traditional training materials omit
are hard for me to me come by.  You both offered me great help here.  Thank


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