MathGroup Archive 2013

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Problems with Importing and JLink

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130661] Problems with Importing and JLink
  • From: Stephen Wilkus <sawilkus at>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 04:20:05 -0400 (EDT)
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I've been importing huge files for years on my Mathematica rev 7 and 8 on Windows platforms but now that I've moved to Mathematica 9 I have been getting JLink errors when trying to read even small files.
I've had to use the commands:
     ReinstallJava[CommandLine -> "java", JVMArguments -> "-Xmx1024m"];

to get it to work.

I've set up on a large Mac Pro and it is even worse, I now get an error window stating, "To Open  'J/Link', you need to install Java SE 6 runetime, but you are not connected to the internet. To install a Java SE 6 runtime later, open 'j/Link' again."  (Network Diagnostics) (OK)

Note I am not trying to read a file off the internet nor do I have any problems with internet access from other programs like my browser.

Please help, I wil need to do a lot of this and would like a reliable solution that can be systemic (as in the init file, if possible.

This is not the way I'm used to Mathematica working, it should be better than this.

Best regards,
Stephen Wilkus

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