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Re: redefining builtin but keep original available

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg131504] Re: redefining builtin but keep original available
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 02:16:58 -0400 (EDT)
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On 8/13/13 at 3:59 AM, roby.nowak at (roby) wrote:

>Is it in general possible to redefine mathematica builtins but still
>call the original function from within (but not only from there) the
>redefinition ?

>In particular I would like to overload a builtin (distinguished by
>an additional Option additionalopt->o) and keep the possibility to
>call the original (distinguished by omitting the additional Option
>or by setting additionalopt->None)

Yes, it is possible to do what you have described. For example,
here is a snippet of code I have in my init file that modifies
the built-in command NotebookDirectory

NotebookDirectory[level_Integer] := Nest[ParentDirectory,
NotebookDirectory[], level];

This allows me to quickly go up the directory structure. Often I
have projects set up with notebooks in one subdirectory and data
in another subdirectory.

But you should be aware that some (many?) built-in functions are
written in Mathematica code. So, depending on exactly how you
modify a built-in function you could have undesired side effects
including breaking some other functionality within Mathematica
or causing significant slow down.

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