Contour plots of lat/lon data
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132072] Contour plots of lat/lon data
- From: amannucci <Anthony.J.Mannucci at>
- Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 08:23:04 -0500 (EST)
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I am interested in using Mathematica to plot functions of latitude/longitude (e.g. on Earth). I am thinking of ContourPlot type of functionality, but with latitude/longitude coordinates. I am familiar how this is done in matplotlib/python. It works like this: One initializes the map projection thus: m = Basemap(projection='npaeqd',boundinglat=10,lon_0=270,resolution ='l') This projection is "North Polar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection". Then, given an array of data in lat, lon coordinates z(lat,lon), one converts to projection coordinates thus: x,y = m(lon,lat) And then executes the contour method of the map projection object: m.contourf(x,y,z) Is there a polar projection in Mathematica? I cannot find one. If not, I can probably get reasonably close with the existing set of projections. More broadly, I don't see how to create a geographically registered contour map in Mathematica. Is there a function that plots contour data taking into account a map projection that is already defined? I cannot find any examples of contour plotting on a user-specified geographic projection. Does one manually convert all the coordinates and then use ContourPlot? Thanks for your help! -Tony