Parameters for the Stereographic projection in GetProjectionData
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132079] Parameters for the Stereographic projection in GetProjectionData
- From: amannucci <Anthony.J.Mannucci at>
- Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 01:57:02 -0500 (EST)
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I am trying to produce a polar plot, essentially a view from space of the Earth's poles. I understand that Stereographic corrections can do this. I am trying to use the Stereographic projection in GeoProjectionData. It requires the following parameters: {"Centering" -> {40, -100}, "CentralScaleFactor" -> 1, "GridOrigin" -> {0, 0}, "ReferenceModel" -> 1} I cannot locate documentation on the meaning of these parameters. It appears that putting GridOrigin at the pole, e.g. {90.0, 0.0} works, but then it presents the entire world. I only want northern latitudes, e.g. from 90.0 to 60.0 latitude. Is there a setting to achieve this? Thanks in advance. -Tony