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Re: making a Module or Column that will print lines interspersed

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129683] Re: making a Module or Column that will print lines interspersed
  • From: awnl <awnl at>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 20:24:56 -0500 (EST)
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Am 03.02.2013 08:51, schrieb Bruce Shore:
> I run Mathematica 7. I have some legacy notebooks,   from Mathematica 5, in which there were Modules such as
> macro :=Module[{j},
> Print["something"];
> plota;
> Print["something else"];
> plotb
> ];
> where plota and plotb were plots. Now with Mathematica 7 the semicolons prevent the plots from showing up. Show[plota]; has the same problem. The semicolons, which are needed in a Module, prevent the plotting.  I have tried using a Column or a Graphics column,
> macro:=Column[{
> Print["something"],
> plota,
> Print["something else"],
> plotb
> }]
> and this does the printing and the plotting, but all the printing comes at the beginning and all the plots come after that. I really want the printing to come in between the plots, in the order that I show them. How can I do this?

I would suggest to use a Print for each of the  plots, e.g.:

macro :=Module[{j},
Print["something else"];

this will not only be much easier to change but also reflect the 
original code better: it makes the display of the plot a side effect as 
it always was before version 5.

For new code, it of course it's of course better to take advantage of 
the fact that graphics-expressions that are return values now are 
rendered nicely in the frontend...



PS: you'll of course find similar questions and answers many times if 
you search the archive for messages from the time when version 6 came out...

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