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Re: Mathematica and Lisp

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129725] Re: Mathematica and Lisp
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akozlowski at>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 05:11:18 -0500 (EST)
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  • References: <kcqkv4$lq5$> <kct7fj$sgo$> <>

On 7 Feb 2013, at 03:29, John Doty <noqsiaerospace at> wrote:

> All this demonstrates is that you don't understand how to use Mathematica. > All you know how to do is fight against it. You don't understand when to use rules versus when to use the various algebraic tools. Your code is pointless: no trajectories calculated, no bridges designed, and it doesn't enable anything that Mathematica can't already do.

You have failed to appreciate the motives have made RJF devote so much 
time and effort to this ungrateful task. It is, of course, pure altruism 
and deeply felt sympathy for the poor Mathematica user confused by the 
mysterious and buggy features of this so undeservedly successful 
program. For a quarter of a century RJF has been diligently searching 
for this user, pouncing on any unsuspecting innocent novice and 
introducing him to exactly the same examples of Mathematica's supposed 
confusion, complexity and unreliability, including, of course, the 
notorious "non-recommendation" of Mathematica in instances where it 
could "threaten" =85 "injury, or significant loss". Practically every 
thing RJF has written concerning Mathematica on this forum he has posted 
numerous times over many years - yet what an ungrateful and Sisyphus 
like work it has been. The "confused user" for whose sake RJF must have 
abandoned or delayed serious work of the kind that computer science 
professors are overloaded with, never seems to acknowledge being 
"confused", nor does he ever appear to be grateful for the attempted 
rescue from the clutches of the charlatans at Wolfram Research. RJF's 
"improvements" to Mathematica are being ignored by both Wolfram and 
ordinary users, out of pure spite or perhaps inability to appreciate 
genuinely advanced "computer science". Instead of appreciating the kind 
heart and intellectual brilliance RJF has been gracing our forum with 
for so many years you write about petty and mundane subjects like 
"calculating trajectories" and "building bridges", which, along with 
mathematics, physics etc, etc,  are obviously beneath RJF's concerns. 
Which, of course, proves that you, like the rest of us, are a typical 
Mathematica user, too confused by Wolfram to know what's good for you 
and the world.

Andrzej Kozlowski

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