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Re: Mathamatica / Calculus Consultant Sought

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130784] Re: Mathamatica / Calculus Consultant Sought
  • From: dnaneet at
  • Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 03:17:28 -0400 (EDT)
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Hi David,

What kind of equations/system are you looking at? Do you have any samples?

Aneet, PhD (Mechanical engineering)/Michigan Tech

Am Montag, 13. Mai 2013 03:48:03 UTC-4 schrieb David Fennell:
> I am a new Mathematica user and have stumbled into a bit of a bind.  My attempt to learn Mathematica and regain long lost calculus skills has been frustrated by an unexpected stream of other work responsibilities.  I'm rolling up on a deadline that I will not be able to meet and would like to transfer what I've done already to a Mathematica/ calculus consultant for completion.
> The dynamics of a fairly simple mechanical system must be studied. Mathematica software has already been used (basically as a word processor) to describe the system and set up the equations.  The problem, as currently described by existing calculations, must be cast in a form solvable by Mathematica.  The scope of work includes:
> 1. Set up equations in correct form/syntax for Mathematica.
> 2. Use Mathematica to solve the calculus problems.
> 3. Use Mathematica to create a position vs. time plot.  (This plot is the desired output of the analysis.)
> 4.  Yell at me if you catch a mistake in my math or physics.
> The project will require strong calculus and Mathematica skills.  Differential equations and integrals must be found.
> Unfortunately, time is now extremely short.  I'm hoping that the bulk of the work can be completed this week.
> Regarding terms, I'm flexible.  We can arrange a lump-sum contract or an hourly arrangement (with an hours estimate).  I'm assuming pay by PayPal, but open to other methods that work better for the consultant.  I'm comfortable with up-front payment for a portion of the project (say something between 30 and 50%).
> If you are interested, please send me a private message.  I will forward project details for you to review in advance of your quote.
> Thank you!

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