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setting highlight color and font size

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130854] setting highlight color and font size
  • From: Dushan Mitrovich <dushanm at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 00:04:33 -0400 (EDT)
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I'm running Mathematica 9.01 under Mountain Lion X.8.3, and have 3 questions to 
which I haven't been able to find answers:

* When some text, or a cell is selected the highlight background color
   is now a light blue; where do I change that default?  I don't recog-
   nize anything in Option Inspector that does that.

* The Input command produces a box into which one can type something;
   I would like to change the default font and size of what is typed
   to something more easily readable.  Where is that done?

* In the Input box, if I type in some word, Mathematica does not consider
   that to be either a string or numeric (StringQ and NumericQ both
   produce 'False').  So what is it, and how does one learn an object's
   type other than by testing?

Thanks for the help.

- Dushan
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