Re: Plot InverseSurvivalFunction
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132023] Re: Plot InverseSurvivalFunction
- From: Itai Seggev <itais at>
- Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 18:23:35 -0500 (EST)
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On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 06:41:57AM -0500, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes wrote: > Hello > > Is there any way to evaluate (or even plot) the inverse survival function of a sum of two Fs? > > Here is what I have so far > > \[ScriptCapitalD]=TransformedDistribution[u+v,{u\[Distributed]FRatioDistribution[2,2 2],v\[Distributed]FRatioDistribution[2,2 2]}] > > PDF[\[ScriptCapitalD],x] > > Plot[PDF[\[ScriptCapitalD],x],{x,0,10},Filling->Axis] > > CDF[\[ScriptCapitalD],x] > > Plot[CDF[\[ScriptCapitalD],x],{x,0,10},Filling->Axis] > > All above commands return the results I expect but when I try > > Plot[InverseSurvivalFunction[\[ScriptCapitalD],x],{x,0,1},Filling->Axis,PlotRange-> Full] > > Mathematica won't show any curve. Does it mean that Mathematica could not find an expression for it? > > I know that the sum of Fs will get rather complicated. > > Is there any way to get an output from InverseSurvivalFunction[\[ScriptCapitalD],0.95] for instance? > There appears to be a bug that InverseSurivivalFunction doesn't evaluate when given a TransformedDistribution. One trick to deal with that is to create a new distribution from the PDF of the TransformedDistribution: \[ScriptCapitalD] = ProbabilityDistribution[ PDF[TransformedDistribution[ u + v, {u \[Distributed] FRatioDistribution[2, 2 2], v \[Distributed] FRatioDistribution[2, 2 2]}], x], {x, 0, \[Infinity]}]; In[31]:= InverseSurvivalFunction[\[ScriptCapitalD], 0.5] Out[31]= 2.25061 However, this function will be extremely slow and not really usable for plotting. I tried plotting it out of curiousity to see the timing, and when I didn't finish after 7 minutes or so I gave up. On the other hand, it will be usable if you need to evaluate a small number of points with relative accuracy. For plotting, you could do something like the following: survival[z_] = SurvivalFunction[ TransformedDistribution[ u + v, {u \[Distributed] FRatioDistribution[2, 2 2], v \[Distributed] FRatioDistribution[2, 2 2]}], z] invsurv[q_Real] := Block[{z}, z /. FindRoot[survival[z] == q, {z, 1}]] Plot[qun[q], {q, 0.01, 0.999}] Which would still not be lightning fast but usable (something like 15 seconds on my machine.) > Many thanks > > Ed > > -- Itai Seggev Mathematica Algorithms R&D 217-398-0700
- References:
- Plot InverseSurvivalFunction
- From: "Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes" <>
- Plot InverseSurvivalFunction