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Fw: why the mantissas used below are all roots of powers of 10

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg131887] Fw: why the mantissas used below are all roots of powers of 10
  • From: Marvin Burns <marvin at>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 23:48:10 -0400 (EDT)
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  • Reply-to: Marvin Burns <marvin at>

We get nearly identical answers without the sine function
Table[{x, (10 MantissaExponent[N[10^(-100 - 1/x)], 10][[1]])^x}, {x,1,10}] // TableForm

replacing the 1/x with 2/x,3/x and 4/x, etc.

I think that can be explained! Anyone care to do it?

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Marvin Burns <marvin at>
To: "mathgroup at" <mathgroup at>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 6:53 PM
Subject: [mg131887] why the mantissas used below are all roots of powers of 10

I sent this in yesterday but only part of the message was posted.

From Marvin Ray Burns
to mathgroup

We will use the  Mathematica code 
Table[{x, (10 MantissaExponent[N[Sin[10^(-100 - 1/x)], 10]][[1]])^  x}, {x, 1, 10}] // TableForm
I was playing around with small sines and posted this on another blog and didn't get much response. However, I would like to know why the mantissas used below are all roots of powers of 10. .
There seems to be patterns for sin(10^-k) for rational k;
Here we have the "floats."
n sin(10^(-n-1/2))
1 0.03161750640
2 0.003162272390
3 0.0003162277607
4 0.00003162277660
5 0.000003162277660
6 0.0000003162277660
7 0.00000003162277660
Basically the mantissa  of 316227766 is being "floated out," because for small x sin(x)~=x.
Here we use the mantissa:
Noticing that 3.162277660^2~=10 we have below a more subtle and beautiful pattern for sin(10^-k), using sufficiently large integral value for k. Here we use 100 but 9 is usually sufficient.
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - 1/x))])^x
1       1.* 10^1
2       1.* 10^1
3       1.* 10^2
4       1.* 10^3
5       1.* 10^4
6       1.* 10^5
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - 2/x))])^x
1        1.* 10^0
2        1.* 10^2
3        1.* 10^1
4        1.* 10^2
5        1.* 10^3
6        1.* 10^4
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - 3/x))])^x
1       1.*  10^1
2       1.*  10^1
3       1.*  10^3
4       1.*  10^1
5       1.*  10^2
6       1.*  10^3
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - 4/x))])^x
1       1.*  10^1
2       1.*  10^0
3       1.*  10^2
4       1.*  10^4
5       1.*  10^1
6       1.*  10^2
7       1.*  10^3
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - 5/x))])^x
1       1.*  10^1
2       1.*  10^1
3       1.*  10^1
4       1.*  10^3
5       1.*  10^4
6       1.*  10^1
7       1.*  10^2
8       1.*  10^3
The Mathematica code for this is 
Table[{x, (10 MantissaExponent[N[Sin[10^(-100 - 1/x)], 10]][[1]])^  x}, {x, 1, 10}] // TableForm
Change 1/x to 2/x,3/x, etc .
Can anyone figure out the pattern here?
Replacing 1/x with (3/2)/x  and ^x to ^(2x) we find
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - (3/2)/x))])^(2x)
1       1.*  10^1
2       1.*  10^1
3       1.*  10^3
4       1.*  10^5
5       1.*  10^7
6       1.*  10^9
Replacing 1/x with (5/2)/x  and ^x to ^(2x) we find
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - (5/2)/x))])^(2x)
1      1.*  10^1
2      1.*  10^3
3      1.*  10^1
4      1.*  10^3
5      1.*  10^5
6      1.*  10^7
Replacing 1/x with (5/3)/x  and ^x to ^(3x) we find
x        (10 Mantissa[sin(10^(-100 - (5/3)/x))])^(3x)
1      1.*  10^1
2      1.*  10^1
3      1.*  10^4
4      1.*  10^7
5      1.*  10^10
6      1.*  10^12

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