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Re: OnError [Thread"::"tdlen"]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg132626] Re: OnError [Thread"::"tdlen"]
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 04:53:28 -0400 (EDT)
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For your function define one or more messages for bad arguments. For


factorial::niarg = "The argument `1` cannot be a negative integer.";

Define your function to issue a message and return unevaluated upon an
error :



True, Message[factorial::niarg,n]; False] :=



factorial::niarg: The argument -1 cannot be a negative integer.


Use Check to do something other than return unevaluated (e.g., Abort) when
message is generated


factorial::niarg: The argument -1 cannot be a negative integer.



NormalDistribution::posprm: Parameter 0 at position 2 in
NormalDistribution[m,0] is expected to be positive. >>



NormalDistribution::posprm: Parameter 0 at position 2 in
NormalDistribution[m,0] is expected to be positive. >>


Bob Hanlon

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:09 AM, EMartin <eMartinSerrano at>wro=

> Hi Bob,
> Thanks for your answer but =E2=80=98Check=E2=80=99 does not work as I exp=
ected, or I do
> not understand the cryptic direction in the help.
> "Check[expr, failexpr] evaluates =E2=80=98expr=E2=80=99, and returns the =
result (of expr),
> unless messages were generated, in which case it evaluates =E2=80=98faile=
xpr=E2=80=99 and
> returns the result of the evaluation of =E2=80=98failexpr=E2=80=99. "
> I tried so but I failed in dumpping the Stack[] contents, that I attempte=
> The key point is that Mathematica should return (or empowered the
> programmer to handle) the whole context where an error is produced, note
> that the =E2=80=98line number=E2=80=99 which sometimes appears in the mes=
sages raised by
> the system is unreachable in practical terms for average users like me (o=
> at least to costly); it is one of those Mathematica arcane. Is there any
> facility to, at least, get such line numbers?
> As an example of the problem I am facing to bring to work a great deal of
> my =E2=80=98old=E2=80=99 pieces of software, years ago (maybe ten), I wro=
te, and submitted
> to Mathgroup,  a routine to catch improper function calls (calls with
> faulty actual parameters). It was not about catching the point where the
> error comes up but about why the error takes place due to a function call
> with data generated somewhere else. The routine damped the Stack[]  to he=
> in rebuilding the whole context as to do some sort of forensic analysis
> since the source of the error can be truly far away from the point where
> the conflict is discovered.
> But thanks again Bob
> E. Martin-Serrano
> *De:* Bob Hanlon [mailto:hanlonr357 at]
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 11 de abril de 2014 15:34
> *Para:* EMartin
> *CC:* MathGroup
> *Asunto:* Re: OnError [Thread"::"tdlen"]
> "Check[expr, failexpr] evaluates expr, and returns the result, unless
> messages were generated, in which case it evaluates and returns failexpr.=
> Bob Hanlon
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 2:12 AM, EMartin <eMartinSerrano at>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Many classic  programming languages provide a command to interrupt
> computations when some exception arises, allowing to perform any action o=
> the exception as in something as, for example:
> OnError [] do (action)] [routine]  (*This could be the general pattern*)
> OnError [] do (Print[Stack]; Abort[] ) [routine] (*This could be a more
> specific pattern*)
> OnError [Thread"::"tdlen"] do JumpToCheck ][routine]
> (*The above could be a more specific but even more general pattern. The
> jump
> made to an exception handling routine to evaluate or treat the exception*=
> These catching commands should be located  at the beginning of the whole
> code as in *TimeConstrained[routine, time]* which aborts the  routine if =
> takes more than time seconds.
> Mathematica has got enough stuff to deal with erroneous situation (Abort,
> Interrupt, Catch, Throw,=85) provided one is able to catch the exceptio=
> (and
> its type) as soon as it arises , but I never was able to do it.
> Since Mathematica prints the errors messages, the type of the exception a=
> the exact point where it arises is available (but hidden) to let the user
> to
> take control. Probably the tool is already available but I can find it.
> Any help will be welcome
> E. Martin-Serrano
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