Intersect Point of a 3D Parametric Line & B-Spline Surface
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132164] Intersect Point of a 3D Parametric Line & B-Spline Surface
- From: Bill <WDWNORWALK at>
- Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 22:52:26 -0500 (EST)
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Hi: I have the following Mathematica 8.0.4. code that plots a parametric 3D line and a surface using BSplineSurface. paraLine=ParametricPlot3D[{2+t,2+t 3,t 2}, {t,-1,1},PlotRange -> {{0, 5},{0, 5},{-1, 1}}, PlotStyle->{Red,Thickness[0.004]},ViewPoint->{4,2,1}, AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y", "Z"},Background->LightYellow,ImageSize->500]; cpts={{{1,1,-0.5740579178735179`},{1,2,0.3902669640296943`},{1,3,0.6162142022057271`},{1,4,-0.11572153782589911`},{1,5,0.436662579150056`}},{{2,1,0.8096824307907462`},{2,2,-0.7419265507701529`},{2,3,-0.8659156744537175`},{2,4,-0.0998628811371658`},{2,5,-0.24185346526195106`}},{{3,1,-0.1969086942688163`},{3,2,0.7961076758026819`},{3,3,-0.060290070096196136`},{3,4,0.48665856202059254`},{3,5,-0.013419247141178037`}},{{4,1,0.6573342854316904`},{4,2,-0.9170657725998455`},{4,3,0.9830103505987027`},{4,4,-0.8759376369982923`},{4,5,-0.03030297194593956`}},{{5,1,-0.549653902873303`},{5,2,0.7865815336945703`},{5,3,-0.6672322036832838`},{5,4,0.5688838564868042`},{5,5,0.5541079809436917`}}}; surf=Graphics3D[BSplineSurface[cpts]]; Show[paraLine,surf] Question: How can the intersect point coordinates of the line and surface be found by using Mathematica? I think the Mathematica code maybe something like this: NSolve[x==2+t && y==2+t 3 && z==t 2 && (?),{x,y,z,t}] but I don't know how to enter the BSplineSurface. Thanks, Bill W.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Intersect Point of a 3D Parametric Line & B-Spline
- From: Itai Seggev <>
- Re: Intersect Point of a 3D Parametric Line & B-Spline Surface
- From: Bob Hanlon <>
- Re: Intersect Point of a 3D Parametric Line & B-Spline