Plot in manipulate
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132166] Plot in manipulate
- From: Jenhow <jenh0w at>
- Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 03:42:08 -0500 (EST)
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How do I add a plot that would be manipulated by the variables in the following code? Manipulate[ TT = (initialvelocity + Sqrt[initialvelocity^2 + 2 gravity height])/ gravity; Potential = gravity*(-.5 gravity time^2 + initialvelocity time + height)*mass; Kinetic = (.5 mass (((-gravity)*time) + initialvelocity)^2); If[time > TT, time = TT]; Graphics [{ Blue, Line[ Table[{tt, -.5 gravity tt^2 + initialvelocity tt + height}, {tt, 0, TT, .01}]], RGBColor[.49, 0, 0], Disk[{time, -.5 gravity time^2 + initialvelocity time + height}, 5 mass], RGBColor[.25, .43, .82], }], {{time, .0, "Time"}, 0.000, Round[Dynamic[ (initialvelocity + Sqrt[ initialvelocity^2 + 2 gravity height])/gravity ], 10.^-3], .01, Appearance -> "Labeled", ControlPlacement -> Top}, {{mass, .07, "Mass"}, .001, .1, .001, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{gravity, 9.8, "Gravity"}, 1, 20, .01, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{initialvelocity, 5., "Initial Velocity"}, 0, 5, .01, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{height, 5., "Height"}, 0, 10, .01, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, ControlPlacement -> Left, TrackedSymbols -> True]
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Plot in manipulate
- From: Bob Hanlon <>
- Re: Plot in manipulate
- From: Murray Eisenberg <>
- Re: Plot in manipulate