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Re: School project - NEED HELP!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg132211] Re: School project - NEED HELP!
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 05:00:26 -0500 (EST)
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This uses a gauge rather than a bar chart. Note that the color of both the
disk and the gauge marker change with the percentage of kinetic energy.

 Module[{TT, Potential, Kinetic, position, kineticPortion},
  TT = (initialvelocity + Sqrt[initialvelocity^2 +
        2 gravity height])/gravity;
  Potential[t_] = gravity*(-.5 gravity t^2 +
      initialvelocity t + height)*mass;
  Kinetic[t_] = .5 mass (-gravity t + initialvelocity)^2;
  position[t_] = -.5 gravity t^2 + initialvelocity t + height;
  kineticPortion = Kinetic[time]/
    (Kinetic[time] + Potential[time]);
  If[time > TT, time = TT];
      {position[tt], Potential[tt], Kinetic[tt]},
      {tt, 0, TT + .0001},
      Epilog -> {LightGray, AbsoluteDashing[{5, 5}],
          {time, 0},
          {time, Max[Potential[time], Kinetic[time]]}}],
        Blend[{Blue, Red}, kineticPortion],
         {time, position[time]},
         5 mass {13, 23.5}/23.5]},
      PlotRange -> {{-.5, 12.5}, {-.5, 23}},
      AspectRatio -> 1,
      PlotLegends -> {
        StringForm["Position = ``",
         NumberForm[position[time], {4, 2}]],
        StringForm["Potential = ``",
         NumberForm[Potential[time], {4, 2}]],
        StringForm["Kinetic = ``",
         NumberForm[Kinetic[time], {4, 2}]]}],
     VerticalGauge[100 kineticPortion, {0, 100},
      GaugeMarkers -> Graphics[{
         Blend[{Blue, Red}, kineticPortion],
      GaugeLabels -> "Percent Kinetic"]}},
   ItemSize -> {{Scaled[.8], Scaled[.2]}},
   Spacings -> 0]],
 {{time, .0, "Time"}, 0.,
    (initialvelocity +
       Sqrt[initialvelocity^2 + 2 gravity height])/gravity],
   .001], .01,
  Appearance -> "Labeled",
  ControlPlacement -> Bottom,
  ImageSize -> Large},
 Grid[{{Control[{{mass, .07, "Mass"}, .001, .1, .001,
      ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
    Control[{{gravity, 9.8, "Gravity"}, 1, 20, .01,
      ImageSize -> Tiny,
      Appearance -> "Labeled"}]}, {Control[{{initialvelocity, 5,
       "Initial Velocity"},
      0, 5, .01, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
    Control[{{height, 5., "Height"}, 0, 10, .01,
      ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]}}],
 TrackedSymbols -> True]

Bob Hanlon

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:55 AM, Jenhow Tan <jenh0w at> wrote:

> Is it possible to show the kinetic energy with a bar graph that varies
> over time manipulation? I'm getting an error asking for a pair of numbers
> of the coordinates, but I would then be unable to see the bar graph
> changing proportionally to time.
> I would also like it to solve the kinetic energy below my manipulation
> bars.
> Plot[{Potential[tt],
>   Kinetic[tt], -.5 gravity tt^2 + initialvelocity tt + height}, {tt,
>   0, TT + .005}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Thick, {Dashed, Green}},
>  Epilog -> {White, AbsoluteDashing[{5, 5}],
>    Line[{{time, 0}, {time, Max[Potential[time], Kinetic[time]]}}],
>    RGBColor[0, .79, .6],
>    Disk[{time, -.5 gravity time^2 + initialvelocity time + height},
>     5 mass],
>    RGBColor[.6, .73, .36], Rectangle[{11, 0}, {12, Kinetic}]},
>  PlotRange -> {{-.5, 12.5}, {-.5, 23}}, AspectRatio -> Automatic,
>  PlotLegends -> {"Potential", "Kinetic", "Position"},
>  ImageSize -> 300, AxesLabel -> StandardForm[Height]],

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