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linear algebra bugs

  • Subject: linear algebra bugs
  • From: uunet!byuvax.bitnet!SMITHW
  • Date: Fri, 22 Sep 89 11:24:48 -0500
  • Apparently-to: mathgroup-out at

  I have encountered some interesting bugs in the linear algebra package
in mathematica on the MIPS(beta version), the Mac (1.1,1.2) and NeXT (.9 and
1.0).  Try the following:
     Eigensystem::eifl: Algorithm failed to find eigenvectors.
Now the same thing in Macsyma:
                                   [ 1  2  3 ]
                                   [         ]
(D7)                               [ A  0  C ]
                                   [         ]
                                   [ 1  2  3 ]

(C9) Eigenvectors(d7);

(D9) [[[2 - SQRT(2) SQRT(C + A + 2), SQRT(2) SQRT(C + A + 2) + 2, 0],

                  SQRT(2) SQRT(C + A + 2) + 2
[1, 1, 1]], [1, - ---------------------------, 1],


    SQRT(2) SQRT(C + A + 2) - 2            C - 3 A    A
[1, ---------------------------, 1], [1, - -------, - -]]
                 2                           2 C      C

This is not the only example...

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