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HEP packages

  • To: uiucuxc!yoda.ncsa.uiuc.EDU!mathgroup
  • Subject: HEP packages
  • From: uiucuxc!THSUN1.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU!eran
  • Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 10:49:20 PDT

I have recently completed, together with Alex Hsieh, a set of packages
for performing calculations common in High-Energy Physics, using

Specifically, we have written the following packages:

NonCommutativeMultiply.m - General utilities for working with non-commutative
			   algebras: declaring objects as non-commutative,
			   automatically factoring out the commuting variables,
			   manually commuting specific objects, and more.
RelativisticKinematics.m - Working with four-vectors: constructing 
			   four-vectors, extracting invariant mass, energy and
			   momentum from a four-vector, calculating the 
			   dot-product of two four-vectors, boosting a 
			   four-vector in an arbitrary direction, decaying a 
			   four-vector into two four-vectors, working with
			   Mandelstam variables and more. All operations can
			   be done both symbolically and numerically.
Spinor.m -		   Working with Dirac Algebra and Lorentz indices:
			   The space-time metric g, contructing over Lorentz
			   indices, working with spinors U, Ubar, V and Vbar,
			   squaring expressions with spinors to give traces
			   over gamma-matrices, evaluating traces over gamma-
			   matrices in arbitrary space-time dimension and more.
CrossSection.m -	   Automatically evaluating cross-sections and decay-
			   widths from a matrix element squared by constructing
			   the necessary phase-space integrals, and optionally
			   evaluating them. Evaluation can be either symbolic
			   or numeric.
Class.m -		   A very general implementation of some object-
			   oriented programming tools: classes, properties and
StandardModel.m -	   A compilation of the Feyman rules of the Standard-
			   Model, together with other useful facts.

These packages, together with a small number of sample calculations are now
available for beta testing. If you are interested, write to me. Pease 
indicate explicitly if you are NOT using a Unix-based system.

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