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Re: Re: Speeding up Mathematica

  • To: uiucuxc!!mathgroup
  • Subject: Re: Re: Speeding up Mathematica
  • From: Steve Christensen <uiucuxc!!stevec>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Mar 90 20:56:49 -0600

In reference to Malcolm at's comments:

I believe that my comments on "tricky ways to optimize" Mathematica
were misinterpreted.  Most of the code that I and my colleagues
write is very straightforward high level Mathematica programming -
not nearly as sophisticated as in Roman's book most of the time.
After we write prototype code to do some function, we may or may
not hack on it to make it faster or more powerful.  I think that
it is the sign of a good system that permits a user to get to
the depths a bit and make things work better.  This is true
in any computer language.  If you have ever tried to write
good vectorized FORTRAN code, you know what I mean.  It is my
feeling that Maeder's book is a wonderful resource for those
Mathematica users who want to go the extra mile to get really
powerful and elegant programs running.

If Mathematica is judged by the number of "gotchas" it has, then
I would hate to have to describe most of theoretical physics or
mathematics which at first sight seem to be nothing but "gotchas".

Steve Christensen

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