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Tutorial Notes

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Tutorial Notes
  • From: uunet!!paul%wri (Paul Abbott)
  • Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 18:00:46 CST

Sorry if I have created any confusion.  The tutorial notes that I
mentioned in previous messages to mathgroup are the same ones that
many of you may have already heard about on sci.math.symbolic.  If you
want to order any of these, please fill out the following (electronic)
form and send it to any of the addresses listed below:


Order Form for Tutorials and Conference Guide

Fill out this form using your editor and return to Wolfram Research.
(See address information below.)


Algebraic Manipulation
Igor Rivin (9 pages)
  Printed $1.70 each                     quantity [  ]
  Macintosh diskette $4.50 each          quantity [  ]

Applications Survey
Paul Abbott (27 pages)
  Printed $2.10 each                     quantity [  ] 
  Macintosh diskette $4.50 each          quantity [  ]

Data Analysis
Dave Withoff (36 pages)                 
  Printed $2.50 each                     quantity [  ]

Developing Mathematical and 
Scientific Software
Sha Xin Wei (12 pages)
  Printed $1.70 each                     quantity [  ]
  Macintosh diskette $4.50               quantity [  ]

Document Preparation 
Joe Grohens, Cameron Smith (6 pages)
  Printed $1.70 each                     quantity [  ] 
  Macintosh diskette $4.50 each          quantity [  ] 

Cameron Smith (14 pages)
  Printed $1.70 each                     quantity [  ]
  Macintosh diskette $4.50 each          quantity [  ]

Interfacing to External Programs
(MathLink documentation)
Henry Cejtin, Stephen Wolfram (37 pages)
  Printed $2.50 each                     quantity [  ]

Internals and Algorithms
Igor Rivin (9 pages)
  Printed $1.70 each                     quantity [  ]
  Macintosh diskette $4.50 each

Rob Brewer, Rory Murtagh (79 pages)
  Mac/TCP Installation Kit: $14.00       quantity [  ]

Numerical Computation
Jerry Keiper (22 pages)
  Printed $2.10 each                     quantity [  ]

Problem Solving with Mathematica
Nancy Blachman (73 pages)
  Printed $4.80 each                     quantity [  ]

Programming in Mathematica
Roman Maeder (44 pages)
(excerpts from his book)
  Printed $2.90 each                     quantity [  ]


Conference Guide: $25.00 each            quantity [  ]

Conference T-shirts: $10.00 each 
  Large:                                 quantity [  ]
  Extra Large:                           quantity [  ] 

Conference Buttons: free                 quantity [  ]

Conference Posters: free                 quantity [  ] 

Shipping and handling included for U.S. and Canada.

For overseas shipping, add $2.50: $

Illinois residents add 7.25% sales tax: $

Total Amount: $


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Telephone (include area and country codes):
Email address:

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[ ] Bill my credit card (check one):  [  ] Visa  [  ] MasterCard
    Card number:	
    Expr. date:   
    Name printed:	        

Return completed order forms by mail, fax, or electronic mail to:

Wolfram Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 6059, Champaign, IL 61826-6059
info: (217) 398-0700
fax:  (217) 398-0747
email: conf at, or uunet!wri!conf

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