MathGroup Archive 1990

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mathematica bug

  • To: mathgroup-adm at
  • Subject: mathematica bug
  • From: wsgbfs at (F. Simons)
  • Date: Mon, 5 Nov 90 14:18:40 +0100

For about a year I am reading the Mathematica messages on usenet,
and since some months I have also subscribed to the Mathematica

Particularly this newsgroup very much attributes to my knowledge
of Mathematica, so I very much appreciate the work you are doing
for this newsgroup.

At the end of September I sent you a message about a bug in
Mathematica, which I have not seen being mentioned so far. This
message was meant as a contribution to the Mathematica newsgroup,
but as far as I could see it was not distributed there.

I send you this message once again (separately), in the hope that
it might be interesting for the readers of the newsgroup. If I am
using an incorrect e-mail address, please can you inform me on the
correct address?

Thank you very much in advance,

Fred Simons
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
P.O.Box 513
NL - 5600 MB Eindhoven
wsgbfs at

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