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Mathematica Workshop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Mathematica Workshop
  • From: szoltek at (S.M. Zoltek)
  • Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1991 02:04:01 EDT

The Center for the Applications of Mathematics at George Mason
University is offering a 3-day short course on Mathematica.  We would
greatly appreciate it if you could e-mail the following course
description to the members of your math group.  If this is possible,
please send me an e-mail note letting me know.

We thank you in advance for any help you can provide.  


Dr. S. M. Zoltek
	      Center for the Applications of Mathematics
			George Mason University

	      Mathematica:  A Tool For Doing Calculations
   A hands-on workshop for engineers, scientists, and mathematicians

The objective of the workshop is to provide an in-depth introduction to
Mathematica, a high-level programming language designed for symbolic
and numeric calculation.  The course will demonstrate how Mathematica
can enhance productivity in mathematical computation and quantitative

The workshop will be conducted over three consecutive Saturdays.
Lecture sessions will be developed around concrete, real-world examples
that demonstrate the power and flexibility of Mathematica.  (State of
the art projection equipment will be used to integrate the lecture
format with seeing Mathematica in action.)  Computer lab sessions will
provide an opportunity for "hands on" work with Mathematica.  (One
person per machine.)  Participants will be able to select from a series
of guided exercises and/or consult with Dr. Bahder on a particular
problem of their own.

Topics Include

Symbolic Calculation: Algebraic expressions, defining functions,
differentiation, integration, summation, series expansions.  Solution
of simultaneous equations, eliminating variables, manipulating
equations symbolically.  Analytic solution of differential equations
using series approximations.

Numerical Calculation: Exact and approximate numbers.  High precision
calculations. Numerical integration, evaluation of sums and products,
root finding.

Graphics: X-Y plots, contour plots, parametric plots, 3-D surface
plots, gray scale plots.  Graphics primitives.  Animating Graphics:
creating Mathematica movies.

Vector and Matrix Calculations: Matrix algebra, inversion and
transpose,determinant, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.  Field theory:
gradient, divergence and curl.

Programming: Developing Mathematica packages and graphics programming

Dates: November 2, 9, 16, 1991, (Saturdays, 9 am - 3 pm)
Place: George Mason University
Workshop Tuition: $850 -- includes workshop notes and use of computer lab.
Instructor: Dr. Thomas B. Bahder

To Register, Call or Write (Limited Space Available):
Dr. S. M. Zoltek, Center for the Applications of Mathematics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 993-1468
(BITNET) SZOLTEK at GMUVAX 	(Internet) szoltek at

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