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Re: Differential Equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Re: Differential Equations
  • From: news at
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 09:28:32 EDT

>From: rkn3u at kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU (Richard Keith Norwood)
>Subject: Differential Equations
>Message-ID: <1992Jun1.132828.23261 at murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
>Sender: usenet at murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU
>Organization: University of Virginia
>Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1992 13:28:28 GMT

I'm trying to solve a find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of
a linear pde (4th order in space and 2nd order in time) using 
Mathematica.  Applying the separation method, I get two ode's - one 
2nd order in time and the other 4th order in space.  I figure that 
I can use DSolve to solve the 4th order ode for 3 of the 4 boundary 
conditions.  This should leave an expression with one arbitrary constant.  
I can then solve this expression for the eigenvalues subject to the 4th 
boundary condition.  

The problem is that Mathematica returns the trivial solution of zero
when I try solving for 4th order ode and any 3 boundary conditions.  

Am I overlooking something?  I appreciate any comments or clues.


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