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Re: Boolean 0/1 function -- Conditional definitions and Thread

  • To: mathgroup <mathgroup at>
  • Subject: Re: Boolean 0/1 function -- Conditional definitions and Thread
  • From: HAY at
  • Date: Thu, 5 NOV 92 15:38:27 GMT

Following up Robby Villegas's observation about using Thread here is a a little
number featuring it. Many variations are possible.


xlist = {a,b,c,d};

condns = Thread[LessEqual[Drop[xlist,-1], y, Drop[xlist,1]]]

	{a <= y <= b, b <= y <= c, c <= y <= d}

fvalues = Thread[f[y,Drop[xlist,-1]]]

	{f[y, a], f[y, b], f[y, c]}

Thread[If@@{condns, fvalues, 0}]

	{If[a <= y <= b, f[y, a], 0], If[b <= y <= c, f[y, b], 0], 
  	If[c <= y <= d, f[y, c], 0]}


	If[a <= y <= b, f[y, a], 0] + If[b <= y <= c, f[y, b], 0] + 
  	If[c <= y <= d, f[y, c], 0]

The construction  If@@{....} is needed since If has the attribute HoldAll; so we

Thread[If[condns, fvalues, 0]]

	If[condns, fvalues, 0]

Re Robby's warning

> fvalues = Thread[ f[y, xlist] ]

> as long as 'y' isn't a list itself (if it's a number, say).

We can get round this problem by using the extra slots in  Thread

Thread[ f[{1,4}, xlist], List, -1 ]

	{f[{1, 4}, a], f[{1, 4}, b], f[{1, 4}, c], f[{1, 4}, d]}

Allan Hayes
hay at

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