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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Parser
  • From: cfw2 at (Charles F. Wells)
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 10:34:27 -0400

Some interest has been shown in parsers in Mathematica.  The
following notebook contains a command AcceptQ that takes a
context free grammar and a string as arguments and determines
whether the string is generated by the grammar.  As a side
effect it prints successively a list of strings that derive to
the given string in n steps.  It stops and accepts when it finds
the start symbol in that list.  If it comes up with the empty
list, it rejects.  The algorithm is a backward exhaustive
search, so is exponential in the length of the input and the
size of the grammar.  It would be difficult to adapt it
to give a derivation tree.  A forward breadth first search would
be easier to adapt for that purpose.

Cut here:


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:[font = title; inactive; nohscroll; center; ]
Context-Free Grammars
:[font = subtitle; inactive; nohscroll; center; ]
Preliminary and incomplete version
27 January 1993
:[font = section; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
FindPlaces[grammar_List,s_String] :=
   StringPosition[s,Part[#,2]]& /@ grammar
(*FindPlaces[grammar,string] produces a list of pairs {m,n}
   where the right side of a production in grammar occurs
   as a substring of string from position m to position n.
   The lists of pairs are grouped by production: the kth
   list of pairs correspond to the occurrences of the right
   side of production k of grammar.*)
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
BDL[placeslist_List,r_String,s_String] :=
           /@ placeslist,
(*placeslist should consist of a list of pairs (m,n) of positive
  integers.  BDL[placeslist,r,s] produces a list of strings,
  each of which is the result of replacing characters m through
  n of s with the string r for one of the pairs (m,n) of
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
BackDerive[grammar_List,s_String] :=
   Module[{places = StringPosition[s,Part[#,2]]& /@ grammar},
  (BDL[FindPlaces[grammar,s][[#]],grammar[[#]][[1]],s]& /@
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
BackDerive[grammar_List,x_List] :=
   BackDerive[grammar,#]& /@ x
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
SimpleBackDerive[grammar_List,x_List] :=
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
EmptyQ[x_List] := Length[x]==0
:[font = input; endGroup; nowordwrap; ]
AcceptQ[grammar_List,s_String,maxit_Integer:30] :=
   (While[(!MemberQ[tries,"S"] && !EmptyQ[tries] && k++<maxit),
           Print[k," ",tries])
:[font = section; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
:[font = text; inactive; ]
Execute the following definitions, giving you a grammar g1 
and some strings.  Then execute the commands.
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
g1 := {{"S","SS"},
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
st = "abSabbaSbSacCab"
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
FindPlaces[g1,"aSSS"] (*Example*)
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
:[font = input; nowordwrap; ]
:[font = input; endGroup; nowordwrap; ]
:[font = section; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
:[font = text; inactive; endGroup; ]
This work was supported by the Consolidated Natural Gas Corporation
:[font = section; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
Author & Copyright
:[font = text; inactive; ]
Charles Wells
Department of Mathematics
Case Western Reserve University
University Circle
Cleveland, OH 44106-7058
:[font = text; inactive; ]
Phone 216 368 2893 or 216 774 1926
:[font = text; inactive; endGroup; ]
Email cfw2 at

cut here


Charles Wells
Department of Mathematics
Case Western Reserve University

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