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update of Classes.m

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: update of Classes.m
  • From: Roman Maeder <maeder at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 18:32:20 +0200

Classes.m is an updated version of the package for object-oriented
programming in Mathematica first published in the Mathematica Journal,
Vol. 3, No. 1. It is more efficient than the earlier version, but fully
compatible with it. is a sample notebook showing the use of classes.

(* :Discussion: 
   This version of the package is more efficient than the original one
   from the Journal. Objects use less space and are freed
   automatically, as soon as they are no longer referenced.  Therefore,
   delete[obj] should normally not be used any more.  The external
   representation of objects has been changed.  The functionality is
   the same, however.

The item number is 0205-186

Have fun,

Roman Maeder

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