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PostScript production bug ???

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: PostScript production bug ???
  • From: wmm at (Martin McClain)
  • Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 10:25:47 EST

This is partly an answer to Marc Van Daele (contour plot) and partly a
related new question.  I wrote a unit for my Mma class on how to put text
into a plot, to fancy it up for publication. (Marc could use this to insert
contour heights.) My little examples worked beautifully, but one student
ran into trouble with a slight modification.  Here is his code:

C1 = -10.175/E^(522.85*t)+12.175/E^(478.15*t);

P1 = Plot[C1,{t,0,0.015},Frame->True, PlotRange->{{0,.015},{0,2}},
     DisplayFunction->Identity (*prevents display*)];

T1 = Graphics[Text[FontForm[
     (*note the expression above is incomplete*)
     {Helvetica-Bold,9}], (*font and size*)
     {0.008,1.5}, (*center position for text,in plot coords*)

Show[{P1,T1},DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction (*permits display*)];

There is never any problem with screen display (Mac SE/30, Plus, IIfx), but
on sending this to a LaserWriter (Select the graphics cell, choose Print
Selection...) it will not print if the legend is one character longer.  The
LaserWriter seems to process it, but when the time to print rolls around,
it aborts and no paper is produced.  Eventually we get a message from the
printer "PostScript language error".

It is not a matter of the number of characters or physical line length or
placement within the frame.  The legend above has 39 characters.  If you
replace it by the 22 characters "1234567890123456789012" it will print, but
if you add another character it will not.

Any explanation will be greatly appreciated.  W. M. McClain, Chemistry,
Wayne State University, Detroit

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