MathGroup Archive 1994

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Problems with Mathematca

  • To: mathgroup at christensen.Cybernetics.NET
  • Subject: [mg229] Problems with Mathematca
  • From: awm at
  • Date: Thu, 24 Nov 1994 10:00:51 +0000

I feel strongly that Wolfram Research should maintain a list
of known bugs accessible via Mathsource.  Other software
houses do this.  I just checked the error bulletin board for
Genstat (statistical package) on  As a user
I have the confidence that if I run into a weird problem I can
check to see if anyone else has experienced the same
difficulty.  I can see some force in the "give me a new
screwdriver" argument we saw aired on this group recently
- but we are talking Mathematica here!  This is a large,
complex and sophisticated piece of software which is
extending the bounds of computer mathematics.  Nobody
seriously believes it is (or could be) perfect - but it is VERY
good.  How about a bit more openness from WRI - this
would encourage loyalty among the users.  We are
generally a fairly intelligent and computer-wise group of
people and deserve to be treated with respect!  In these
days of rapid communication by internet there is really no
practical reason why this information should not be
available to almost every user.  If necessary patches could
be distributed in this way too.

Alistair Murray

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