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Re: Mathematica materials for Chemistry

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg231] Re: [mg212] Mathematica materials for Chemistry
  • From: Richard Bowman <rbowman at>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Nov 94 09:26:34 -0500

Phillip Kent,

I would be very interested in seeing a summary of any information sent to
you by private email regarding your question about what pachages, etc. are
available in the area of chemistry.

I am a physcis professor with research in chemical physics and thus have
some interest in this area.  So I checked into the MathSource listings.  There
are only five packages available in /pub/Applications/Chemistry/.  These are
listed in the file "00-Index" in this directory.  But there is also a file
"00-SeeAlso" that describes some other packages of interest.  In addition,
your colleague may want to check out the "00-Index" and "00-SeeAlso" files
in the Physics/, Complexity, and Education/Other/ directories.

A lot of useful packages obviously come as part of the Mathematica software,
but these are of a more general nature which an instructor or professional
would have to incorporate into his or her own notebooks.

Are there any other ftp sites or WWW sites with Mathematica "stuff"?

Richard Bowman
    Richard L. Bowman
    Dept. of Physics, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, VA  22812
    <rbowman at>                     703-828-5441

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