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FindMinimum and NIntegrate

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2728] FindMinimum and NIntegrate
  • From: CHAN MUN CHOONG <sci20312 at>
  • Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 01:57:12 -0500

  This is my first time using Mathematica and I have read the book 
"Mathematica : A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer"  written by 
Stephen Wolfram.
  I find the examples for each function in the book simple and straight 
forward. If I want to know what the package can really do, which book 
should be recommended?
  Is it possible to use Mathematica to calculate the eigenvalues of a 
Hamiltonian following a variational approach on a trial wave function 
with a square well.
  I am trying to use FindMinimum to numerically minimize the the 
eigenvalues with respect to three parameters; alpha, beta, and gamma.
  But the problem is that I do not know what optimization method is 
FindMinimum based on. I have read the book and found no mention of the 
method used. I also have integration inside the equation. Can FindMinimum 
handle it?
  What method is NIntegrate based on? Do I use Integrate or NIntegrate 
inside fuction FindMinimum?
  Can someone please help to clarify. Thanks.

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