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Re: Mathematica 2.2.3 on Windows 95

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2749] Re: Mathematica 2.2.3 on Windows 95
  • From: Richard Morey Porter <rmporter at>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 02:00:44 -0500

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, Elias Saab wrote (on mathgroup [mg2783]):

> I tried to install Mmma 2.2.3 on Windows 95, I got the following
> error message 
>  Microsoft Test Drive (ds) error
> Bindtime Error:
> 'GETVERSION' Not found in specified library,
> Why is that and how do we go on fixing that?

While I cannot offer you an explanation as to why this inability to install
has afflicted you, I would like to add that you are not alone in this 

A colleague of mine at UBC received MMa 2.2.3 (studver) on CD-ROM and was 
unable to install under Win95.  He received a similar error message 
involving the set-up program.  Wolfram sent a new CD-ROM, but this too 
failed to install for the same reasons.

According to the credits in my copy of MMa, I received student version 
2.2.4 (Jan 6, 1995).  I have had no problems installing or running under 
Win95 (yet).  We thought perhaps there was an error in the set-up used 
with ver.2.2.3 CD-ROM, and tried installing from my CD-ROM.  The same 
error occurred.

Interestingly, I received my copies of MMa before my colleague did.  We 
both purchased directly from Wolfram.  And, we are using the same release 
date Win95 versions.  However, I installed MMa *after* installing the 
Plus! pack.  (It would seem odd to me that there is anything in the Plus! 
pack that is mitigating this problem with the set-up used by Wolfram).

However, our computers do not have the same motherboards; this, however, 
should not have any bearing on our ability to install MMa.

Mathematically unsophisticated, i remain,

richard morey porter, graduate student, RESECON administrator
forest economics and policy analysis, university of british columbia
LPC Rm.480, 2206 east mall, vancouver, bc canada v6t 1z3

telephone: 604-822-3173 (office) or 604-228-8818 (home)
facsimile: 604-822-6970 (office)
email:     <rmporter at> or <r.morey.porter at>

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