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Re: Data manipulation in Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2791] Re: Data manipulation in Mathematica
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 02:07:25 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

In article <4ar621$2hq at>, hedden at (Julius C
Hedden) wrote:

> I have a set of data files in a matrix format that is the output of a C 
> program.  It consists of a list of 3 columns, each containing 100 items.  
> I have been able to read in the data into Mathematica and organize it 
> into sublists.  What I need help on is how to do some manipulations on 
> that data after I have it in sublists.  First, I want to eliminate one 
> column and pair the remaining two to set up a list of data points to 
> graph.  Then I want to retrieve the original data, delete a different 
> column and pair the remaining two for a contrasting set of data points.  
> Then, I want to take the log of all the numbers in a single column and 
> pair that new info with the original data from one of the other columns.  
> Is there anyway for me to do this type of manipulation within Mathematica?
> Any help would be appreciated greatly.
> -Trey

You should find that the package LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation`,
one of the Standard Mathematica Packages that are distributed
with Mathematica, will do what you want.

It is documented on pages 218-221 of The Guide To Standard 
Mathematica Packages Technical Report.

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Technical Sales Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217) 398-0700     fax:(217) 398-0747      ianc at
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