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extract elements from a list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2841] extract elements from a list
  • From: "cjkelly at" <cjkelly at>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 03:20:09 -0500
  • Organization: Boston University

I've been trying to extract elements from a list x={a,b,c,d,e...}
then square each value and pair it up with the original unsquared value.
These two values form a point (2Dim) and I then try to pair up each
point with a given vertex of {5,25} and use Line[{{5,25},{a,a^2}}] to
graph this thing.

My main routine (reAlly kinda small)

When this is run nothing happens....

in this case x={5,5.5,5.4,5.3,5.2...ect}

I've been stuck for 2 weeks unable to get this to work and it is driving 
crazy because it should be sooo easy.


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