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trouble installing mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2822] trouble installing mathematica
  • From: schrr000 at (Ralf Schramm)
  • Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 03:16:48 -0500
  • Organization: Johannes Gutenberg-Universitdt Mainz, Germany


last weekend I installed a m. windows version for the first time. getting my
own m. running on a mac didn't cause any trouble - but on that windows-system...

Pentium 90, 32MB Ram, 1GB HD, WfW 3.11, CD

After installing the kernal asked me where to find a file named msvcrt20.dll
spending some time on research I finally found a file called crtdll.dll in
the win32s directory. I copied that file to msvcrt20.dll in teh same dir an
m. is running perfectly right. ;-)

Was there an error on the m. CD or was has happend ....  ???????

Thanks in advance

----------------------------------------------------  _____  _____  ---+
Ralf Schramm                                         /    / /    /     I
Mittlere Bleiche 9                                  /____/ /____       I
D-55116 MAINZ                                      /\          /       I
Germany           Vioce/FAX: +49-(0)6131-236545   /  \ * /____/ *      I
schrr000 at goofy.zdv.UNI-Mainz.DE             #include "std.trademarks"  I           #include "std.disclaimer"  I
PGP-key:                     I

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