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Extremely simple problem, and NO success!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2667] Extremely simple problem, and NO success!
  • From: LARSSON at (Roland Larsson)
  • Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 02:55:07 -0500
  • Organization: Bartol Research Institute

Please, anybody out there, help me. I just started to have a look at
Mathematica, and it is driving me &%$#@* nuts! What I want to do is
REALLY simple:

1. Run FORTRAN code, write some data (x,y and z) to a file. Three columns.

2. Start Mathematica, read my data file from 1.

3. Make a 3D plot, using the x, y and z values from my data file.

Simple? That's what I thought, but after 5 hours of trial-and-error, and
futile attempts at reading the manual ("Mathematica, a system for doing 
mathematics by computer" by Stephen Wolfram), I'm just about ready to
throw in the towel. This manual is of NO help to me. There are no useful
examples for doing this kind of thing that I've found. In fact, the manual is
not much help for anything. (For the record, this is hardly the first time
I've used a computer related manual.)

Someone, please give me a hint on what to do. I can feel the mother of
all ulcers forming. FYI, I'm doing this on a VAX/VMS system with DECWindows.

Roland Larsson		larsson at

Roland Larsson              |                       
Bartol Research Institute   |      "My brain hurts."
University of Delaware      |                       
Newark, DE 19716, USA       |         - Mr. Gumby    
larsson at     |                         

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