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Data manipulation in Mathematica

  • Subject: [mg2775] Data manipulation in Mathematica
  • From: hedden at (Julius C Hedden)
  • Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 19:09:26 -0500
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: University of Michigan

I have a set of data files in a matrix format that is the output of a C 
program.  It consists of a list of 3 columns, each containing 100 items.  
I have been able to read in the data into Mathematica and organize it 
into sublists.  What I need help on is how to do some manipulations on 
that data after I have it in sublists.  First, I want to eliminate one 
column and pair the remaining two to set up a list of data points to 
graph.  Then I want to retrieve the original data, delete a different 
column and pair the remaining two for a contrasting set of data points.  
Then, I want to take the log of all the numbers in a single column and 
pair that new info with the original data from one of the other columns.  
Is there anyway for me to do this type of manipulation within Mathematica?
Any help would be appreciated greatly.

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