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Re: Windows NT or Linux

  • Subject: [mg2747] Re: Windows NT or Linux
  • From: loh at (Vincent Kwok-Shiang Loh)
  • Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:05:02 -0500
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories

In article <4a3edu$qnc at> ianc at (Ian Collier) writes:

>   Just to clarify, in the current version of Mathematica for
>   Windows, which runs under Windows NT, the kernel is a 32 bit 
>   Win32 application, while the front end is a 16 bit application.

Is there ever going to be a 32bit front end.  In my opinion, its sorely
needed.  I am using mma with NT 3.51 Service Pack 1 on a 486/66 w/
52Mb ram.  When I bring up a perf meter or qslice (from the nt
resource kit), I see that the "csrss" process is churning like crazy
when the kernel and the frontend are running, even when I'm not doing
anything. .  
My NT/windows friends tell me that that may be a consequence of the
32bit code communicating with 16 bit stuff, or the way the
client-server communication is done.  do you have any ideas as
to what the problem is?  


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