Re: ListPlot[<list>, PlotJoined->True], but _with_ symbols?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg2492] Re: [mg2484] ListPlot[<list>, PlotJoined->True], but _with_ symbols?
- From: Allan Hayes <hay%haystack at>
- Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 01:57:38 -0500
A. E. Siegman <siegman at> In [mg2484] ListPlot[<list>, PlotJoined->True], but _with_ symbols? Wishes to use ListPlot with the plot joined and with symbols. You could use Show to combine a plot with plot joined and one without(to show the symbols. Or you might use Epilog to add the symbols Here is a way that uses Graphics`MultipleListPlt` Ex1. MultipleListPlot[lst1,lst2, PlotJoined -> True, DotShapes ->{Circle[#,.2]&, {PointSize[.02], Point[#]}&} ]; The circles in Ex1 are squashed: a way of approximately correcting this is shownn in Ex2., below (which can easilly be programmed into a single function). Ex2. mlp = MultipleListPlot[lst1,lst2, PlotJoined -> True, DotShapes ->{Circle[#,.2]&, {PointSize[.02],Point[#]}&}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, ]; {{{x1,x2}, {y1,y2}}, ar} = FullOptions[mlp,{PlotRange,AspectRatio}]; cf = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) /ar; MultipleListPlot[lst1,lst2, PlotJoined -> True, DotShapes ->{Circle[#,{.2,.2cf}]&, {PointSize[.02],Point[#]}&}, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction ]; Explanation of use of DotShapes ->.. Look what happens to ds1 and ds2 in the following: they are used as a functions and receive the values from the lists lst1 and lst2 respectively: we can make use of this by choosing appropriate ds1 and ds2 (or, as above, a single ds). MultipleListPlot[lst1,lst2, DotShapes -> {ds1,ds2} ]//InputForm Graphics[{{ds1[{0, 1}], ds1[{1, 2}], ds1[{2, -1}], Point[{0, 1}], Point[{1, 2}], Point[{2, -1}]}, {ds2[{0, 0}], ds2[{1.5, 2.5}], ds2[{2, 1}], Point[{0, 0}], Point[{1.5, 2.5}], Point[{2, 1}]}}, {Axes -> Automatic}] Allan Hayes hay at ************** Begin forwarded message: >From: siegman at (A. E. Siegman) >To: mathgroup at >Subject: [mg2484] ListPlot[<list>, PlotJoined->True], but _with_ symbols? >Organization: Stanford University Guidance appreciated on how to make ListPlots having both points (e.g., large dots, or circles) and lines joining them as per PlotJoined->True. --siegman at