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Re: remote kernels

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2438] Re: remote kernels
  • From: Brad.Sawatzky at (Brad Sawatzky)
  • Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 23:43:18 -0500
  • Organization: University of Saskatchewan

In article <47hgug$dcl at>, jeff at econ.Berkeley.EDU (Jeffrey C.
Ely) wrote:

>I have a notebook interface on my PC at home and wish to access
>a remote kernel running on a machine on campus.  Unfortunately 
>the machine denies rsh connections.  Is there some other way
>to start the connection with the remote kernel.  
>What exactly happens when using mathematica remotely.  Since the
>default is to use rsh, it must not be the case that mathematica
>just starts an interactive shell on the machine running the

There are two methods of connecting the frontend to a kernel: MathLink
(new/current) and MathTalk (old).  As I understand it, the latter does
everything through the telnet connection (the same one that the kernel was
spawned in).  The former actually opens a new connection between the
kernel's host and the frontend's host and communicates with its own

Getting to the point, the MathTalk protocol should work for you (it is an
option in the frontend's kernel configuration window).  The downside is
that I found MathTalk to be somewhat slower and less stable than MathLink.

-- Brad Sawatzky <Brad.Sawatzky at>

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