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Curve fitting

  • Subject: [mg2441] Curve fitting
  • From: eduerr at ("eberhard d\|rr")
  • Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 04:43:49 GMT
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at ( )


I have a data set origin from a biochemical experiment (80 data points
as (x;y) values) and I want to fit this data to the following 
equation, including a constrain with a polynom of the order n.

Equation 1 :
Y = Max * Pmon ^ n * 1/Kh * 1/x
with: Max = constant value with a known order of magnitude
      Kh = constant i want to get from the fit
      Pmon = Variable Value depending on x as described in 
             Equation 2 ( polynom of the order n )
      y = measured y-value of the dataset
      x = known x-value of the dataset

Equation 2 : (Describes the behaviour of Pmon from Eq.1)
n * Pmon ^ n + Kh*Pmon - Kh*x = 0
with: Kh = same constant as described in eq.1
      n = order of the polynome i want to get from the fit
          (within 0 and 4; not an integer!!)
      x = known x-value of the dataset.

As far as this is the first time i used mathematica and the manuals
give only a few hints for curve fitting i simply tried
to fit my dataset with the term
fit (data, eq.1,eq.2, x) which produced a big amount of error messages.

I would be thankful for some hints how to solve such problems.
Are there packages for mathematica to simplify curve fitting problems? 


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