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Re: changing defaults under Mma 2.2.2 for Windows????

  • Subject: [mg2507] Re: changing defaults under Mma 2.2.2 for Windows????
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 07:00:17 GMT
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at ( )

In article <489hm7$gm7 at>, purswell at (J.P. and/or
Valerie Purswell) wrote:

> I'd like to change some of the defaults Mma uses.  For example, I'd much 
> prefer that the defaults for ListPlot[] be PlotJoined-> True and PlotRange -> 
> All.    Is there some way to modify the start up files (like init.m, iinit.m, 
> or sysinit.m)  for Mma to change these and other defaults used?  
> Thanks in advance

You can use SetOptions to change the default option settings 
for any functions.

If you insert the following command (for example):

    SetOptions[ ListPlot, 
                    PlotJoined -> True, PlotRange -> All ]

in your init.m file it will be evaluated at the start of every
Mathematica session.

Note that you probably want to use a text editor such as notepad 
and not the Mathematica front end.

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Technical Sales Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217)-398-0700     fax:(217)-398-0747      ianc at
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