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differentiate multivariable InterpolatingFunction?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2243] differentiate multivariable InterpolatingFunction?
  • From: bhunt at (Brian R. Hunt)
  • Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 01:54:49 -0400
  • Organization: Project GLUE, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

I am using Mathematica 2.2.  It is possible to differentiate an
InterpolatingFunction of 1 variable, e.g. if u is an
InterpolatingFunction defined from 0 to 10, then I can ask for u'[3]
or define v[x_] = D[u[x],x] or whatever.

If u is an InterpolatingFunction of 2 variables, is it possible, using
D or Derivative or something built-in, to get a numerical value for
the partial derivative of u with respect to it first argument at a
specific point?  I have tried several plausible forms of syntax (and
no doubt several implausible ones as well), but no luck.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions; an authoritative "it can't be
done" would also be helpful so I can stop trying.

Brian R. Hunt
bhunt at

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