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Re: color in ListContourPlot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2256] Re: [mg2230] color in ListContourPlot
  • From: tzeller (Tom Zeller)
  • Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:32:05 -0400

Beth -

You can adjust the argument of Hue to reduce its range using a pure function.

     ColorFunction -> Hue  can be written ColorFunction -> (Hue[#]&)

if you multipy the argument of Hue by say .9 you, in effect reduce it's range

      ColorFunction -> (Hue[.9 #]&) will color your minimum values red and
your max value a pinkish/purplish/rose.

The parentheses in the examples above are important.  You can try other
operations on the argument of Hue.  One restriction is that your result
be in the {0,1} range.

Tom Zeller
Wolfram Research

>I want to do a ListContourPlot with a specific color range (from
>white/purple to red).  If I just use "Hue", the high and low values are red.
>I've got a lot of contours, so I want to avoid having to define a color
>individually for each one.  I'm running Mathematica on a Windows machine.
>Thanks for the help!  -Beth

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