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Re: TeX labels in graphs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2297] Re: [mg2267] TeX labels in graphs
  • From: "Ross Moore <ross at>" <ross at>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 12:41:45 -0400

 J.G.E.M.(Hans) Fraaije  asked, ...

> Does anyone know how to get TeX style labels in graphs?

> Or at least greek with super/sub scripts etc. 

Sure do. !!!

--- at least if you want your graph to be typeset within a TeX
or LaTeX document.

( If you want it in Mathematica, you'll have to wait for the next
  revision --- version 2.3  or version 3, or whatever it may be. )

Far and away the best-quality/most versatile method is provided 
by one feature of the  Xy-pic macros for drawing high-quality 
diagrams in TeX and LaTeX. 

Mind you, this is a big package --- almost as big as LaTeX itself.

( The command  \xyimport  is designed to incorporate a graphic,
 at the same time providing a convenient coordinate system 
 so that any labelling or high-lighting of features at any location, 
 can be done using TeX's and Xy-pic's full typesetting capabilities. )

Check out the Web pages at:
(Denmark) or (Australia) 

At either of these you can peruse the User's Guide online.

However this does not discuss the  \xyimport  command.
 For this you want the Reference Manual, Chapter 15.
 There is a (highly non-trivial) example of the use of 
 Xy-pic with a Mathematica-generated PostScript graphic.

The macros and manuals can be downloaded from:

or from CTAN archives, in the directory:


If you are already a TeX-user and want to include high-quality,
well-labelled graphics in your documents, then Xy-pic is exactly
the tool for you.

( Yes, it is fully compatible with Plain-TeX, LaTeX (old and new), 
  AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, and most other commonly-used macro packages. )


	Ross Moore

Ross Moore                         Internet: ross at
Mathematics Department                Work:       +61 2 850-8955
Macquarie University                   Home:   please do not try
North Ryde, Sydney                     Fax:       +61 2 850-8114
Australia  2109

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