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trying to evaluate a piecewise function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2114] trying to evaluate a piecewise function
  • From: Alberto.Meroni at (Alberto.MERONI)
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 01:53:07 -0400

I am trying to solve this problem:
I have a list of expressions {expr1,expr2,...exprN} each
valid in a subdomain specified as a list {l1<x<=u1,l2<x<=u2..
,lN<x<=uN} and I would like to have a function which evaluate a plot
this piecewise object.
1) Everything is continous
2) The union of all subdomains exhaust the domain l1<x<=uN
3) The number N is a given parameter (of order 10)
4) I would not like for each value of N to enter something like
If [clause1,expr1,....]
Somebody has a way to do this ?
I could not find a solution in the Book.
For information this thing comes from the following problem:
You are given a list of points and you want to find a  piecewise
continous  approximation to  these values. It is related to the so
called multicanonical technique of Monte Carlo simulation.
Thank you very much
		Alberto Meroni
		ameroni at

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