A few answers
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg2354] A few answers
- From: "Daryl Reece" <reece_d%a1.clust.CLUST.umc at engult.lxe.com>
- Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 01:49:20 -0400
A few answers to various problems: To Axel Kowald, who wanted to use FindRoot and NIntegrate. The following will alleviate the problem: FindRoot[Evaluate[NIntegrate[N[r x], {x,0,3}]==9], {r,1}] It balks about non-numerical at... but the correct answer is produced. To Doug Burkhardt: Matrix multiplication is accomplished using . a.b will matrix multiply to matrices. The answer is sometimes transposed from the traditional way of viewing matrices but it is correct. BTW, a b will multiply each entry of a by the corresponding entry of b. To Chris: To turn off the speling errors message, issue the following command: Off[ General::spell, General::spell1 ] A good place to put this command is in the init.m file in your Mathematica directory. Hope these help, Daryl