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Newbie Q: - how do I add search paths correctly...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2361] Newbie Q: - how do I add search paths correctly...
  • From: Tony McDonald <Tony.McDonald at>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 01:50:34 -0400
  • Organization: Newcastle University Computing Service

I have several copies of Mathematica 2.2.2 for PowerMac and have also got
the MathSource CD.
I'm putting these PowerMacs into a public area for students to use and I
want them to have access to as many notebooks as possible.

Try as I might I cannot seem to get MMa to read in files mentioned so -


I get the error message
Get::noopen:Can't open MolecularGraphics.m

This is even though the Notebook doing the referencing to
MolecularGraphics.m is in the same folder as MolecularGraphics.m.

I have changed the $Path variable to include the directory with these new
packages in the Init.m file, ie
$Path = Join[$Path, {"8500 Applications:Mathematica 2.2.2:Packages:UCS Added"}]

and if I type $Path, I get 
$Path = {"8500 Applications:Mathematica 2.2.2:Packages", "8500
Applications:Mathematica 2.2.2:Packages:Startup",. "8500
Applications:Mathematica 2.2.2:Packages:UCS Added"}

but all the .m files in subdirectories of 'UCS Added' give the same error

Am I doing something wrong? Or do I need to add each folder individually?

Thanks for *any* pointers to this as it's really getting to me.

-----------------------------------------------  Tony.McDonald at
Dr Tony McDonald, Apple Systems Advisor,Computing Service,Newcastle University 
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU.     Tel: +44 191 222 8571  Fax: +44 191 222 8765

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