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Why gives Plot[GTK,{q,o,30}] negat. min. at q=15 ? (GTK:=1/3 q^2 - 10 q + 100)

  • Subject: [mg2170] Why gives Plot[GTK,{q,o,30}] negat. min. at q=15 ? (GTK:=1/3 q^2 - 10 q + 100)
  • From: txp at (JanHolland)
  • Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 05:59:34 GMT
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at ( )

Say GTK = ATC = Average Total Cost := 1/3 q^2 - 10 q + 100

When I give Plot[GTK,{q,0,30}] the resulting graph gives a minimum
below to X-axis at aboutq=15

When I give q=15 and N[GTK] it evaluates correctly to GTK=25.

What am I doing wrong ?  Thanks for any effort you take !

------------- GMT 16.15
Jan Holland
txp at
"A fact is a broken dream"

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